"Follow The Spoor To"

"Preserving the Memories of the Hunt for a Lifetime"

1967: First Fish Mount at 16
The Early Years
Always having a fascination for wildlife, I started learning taxidermy in 1967 through a correspondence course with the Northwestern School of Taxidermy...started working with birds. There was a couple a few blocks from us in Leavenworth that raised pheasants, chukars, and quail so they were a source for specimens. I wrote a letter to a Mr. Richard Schmidt, who was the taxidermist for the museum at Emporia State University, and sent him a few pictures of my work. I asked him about fish mounting and he sent me back a (7) page letter with diagrams detailing how to proceed......I was very impressed that he took the time and effort to do this! I was most appreciative and have never forgotten his encouragement and kindness.
After high school, life moved quickly through college, marriage and family, the Marine Corps, a career with S.W.Bell Telephone, then a career with our local community college in Colby, KS.. Throughout, I kept my interests in hunting, fishing, and most of all my taxidermy roots, working part-time when and where I could.
Later in life, I was fortunate to be able to complete the full taxidermy training at the Colorado Institute of Taxidermy under the instruction of Gerald Vinnola in March, 2003.

First Taxidermy Instruction